Welcome to the Blob Party!
Welcome to the Blob Party! The Blob Party is an at-home, completely virtual, super swanky, kinda silly gallery show featuring blob art by me, Maddy Buck!
Check out the video from the show, giggle along with us, and, if you’re so inclined, you can find information about buying one of the 30 Blob Collages here.
Welcome to the Blob Party.
What are Blob Collages?
I like to paint colorful shapes onto watercolor paper and then cut them out at random. Sometimes I cut them out first, other times I paint on both sides and cut from whichever sides seems right in the moment. Then I take the cutout shapes, which I call “blobs,” put them on my piece of paper, and move them around like puzzle pieces until they look right. Once I’m satisfied, I glue them down. The thirty blob collages featured here are very tiny rectangles on an 8x10 sheet of paper.
Here’s a quick view of that process, but in my sketchbook:
Where did these 30 blob collages come from?
When the world stopped in March 2020, I couldn’t get myself to think hard about art. Instead, I just wanted play with shapes, and rainbows were my preferred color palette. After filling a few sketchbooks with some collages (and some silly blobby faces), one day I marked off a rectangle on a sheet of paper with Post-Its and suddenly I had Blob Collage #1. The process turned into a meditative, fairly regular activity and I decided to stop at 30. They were my bright spot in 2020 and I hope you enjoy them as well.
What are the other pieces in the show?
The rest of the show features other work I’ve made that incorporates blobs.
I have made a number of tiny books (turned into zines) with cutout blobs. Three of them (Book of Fear, The Blob Book, and Maren Jumps) made their way into the show.
I recently played with large-format blobs, which turned into the very colorful
“Blob Party”
“Kamala wins (and Joe, too)!”
and “Harry Potter on my mind.”
And finally, somehow my RBG sadness inspired me to create. The show includes one of those creations. Please note, I’m keeping it for myself for now, but I hope to make prints soon.
“When there are nine”
INterested in anything you see?
The 30 Blob Collage series is available here
Zines (The Blob Book, Book of Fear, Maren Jumps) are $10 each (plus cost of a forever stamp), contact me, maddy@maddybuck.com if you want one.
Inquire directly about any of the larger pieces
Stay tuned for prints of some of these originals at a later point.
Thanks again for coming to the show! If you want to stay in the loop on whatever blob things I’m up to, feel free to sign up for my newsletter: